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Brad Seely

Brad SeelyBrad

Research Interests:
Dr. Brad Seely received his Ph.D. in terrestrial ecology from the department of Biology at Boston University in 1996. Following that he worked as a post-doctoral fellow developing the FORECAST model in the Forest Ecosystem Management Simulation group with Dr. Hamish Kimmins at UBC. He is presently working as a research associate in the Department of Forest Resources Management at UBC where has been involved in research to develop and test forest ecosystem management models at multiple spatial scales. His specific interests lie in exploring options for sustaining and improving the flow of ecosystem services from forest resources and evaluating the potential long-term impacts of climate change on forest health, growth and development. He has worked extensively evaluating the impacts of management alternatives to mitigate the impacts of mountain pine beetle and other biogenic disturbance agents on forest resources.


Welham, C., J. Blanco B. Seely, and C. Bampfylde. 2012. Oil sands reclamation and the projected development of wildlife habitat attributes. In Restoration and Reclamation of Boreal Ecosystems, ed. Dale Vitt and Jagtar Bhatti. Published by Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press 2012. Chapter 11.

Welham, C., B. Seely, and J. Blanco. 2012. Projected patterns of carbon storage in upland forests reclaimed after oil sands mining. In Restoration and Reclamation of Boreal Ecosystems, ed. Dale Vitt and Jagtar Bhatti. Published by Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press 2012. Chapter 15.

Sajedi, T., C.E. Prescott, B. Seely, L. M. Lavkulvich. 2012. Relationships among soil moisture, aeration and plant communities in natural and harvested coniferous forests in coastal British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Ecology 100: 605-608.

Gerzon, M., B. Seely and A. McKinnon (2011). The temporal development of old-growth structural attributes in second-growth stands: a chronosequence study in the Coastal Western Hemlock zone in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 1534-1546.

Dordel, J. B. Seely and S. Simard. 2011. Relationships between simulated water stress and mortality and growth rates in underplanted Toona ciliata Roem. in subtropical Argentinean plantations. Ecological Modelling 222: 3226-3235.

Lo, Y-H., Blanco, J.A., Seely, B., Welham, C., Kimmins, J.P. 2011. Generating reliable meteorological data in mountainous areas with scarce presence of weather records: The performance of MTCLIM in interior British Columbia, Canada. Environmental Modelling & Software 26: 644-657.

Seely, B., C. Welham, J.A. Blanco. (2011). Representation of climate change impacts on forest growth in FORECAST. Final Technical Report #G117109. British Columbia Forest Sciences Program. http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/FIA/2011/FSP_G117109.pdf

Seely, B., C. Welham, J.A. Blanco. (2010). Towards the application of soil organic matter as an indicator of forest ecosystem productivity: Deriving thresholds, developing monitoring systems, and evaluating practices. Ecological Indicators 10: 999–1008.

Kimmins, J.P, J.A. Blanco, B. Seely, C. Welham, K. Scoullar. 2010. Forecasting Forest Futures: a hybrid modelling approach to the assessment of sustainability of forest ecosystems and their values. Earthscan Ltd., London, U.K.

Schwab O., Maness, M., Bull, G., Welham, C., Seely, B., Blanco, J. 2010. Modeling the timber supply impact of introducing weevil-resistant spruce in British Columbia with cellular automata. For. Pol. Econ. 13: 61-68.

Lo, Y-H., Blanco, J., Seely, B., Welham, C., Kimmins, J.P. 2010. Relationships between climate and tree radial growth in interior British Columbia, Canada. For. Ecol. Manage. 259: 932–942.

Blanco J.A, Welham C., Kimmins J.P., Seely B., Mailly D. 2009. Guidelines for modeling natural regeneration in boreal forests. Forestry Chronicle. 85: 427-439.

Seely, B., Nelson, J., Vernier, P. Wells, R. and Moy, A. 2008. Exploring opportunities for mitigating the ecological impacts of current and future mountain pine beetle outbreaks through improved planning : a focus on northeastern British Columbia. Mountain Pine Beetle Working Paper 2008-08. Mountain Pine Beetle Initiative. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service. Victoria, BC.

Seely, B., C. Hawkins, J.A. Blanco, C. Welham, J.P. Kimmins. (2008). Evaluation of a mechanistic approach to mixedwood modelling. For. Chron. 84: 182-193.

Kimmins, J.P, J. A. Blanco, B. Seely, C. Welham, K. Scoullar (2008). Complexity in modelling forest ecosystems: How much is enough? For. Ecol. Mgmt. 256: 1646-1658.

Blanco, J.A, B. Seely, C. Welham, J.P. Kimmins, T.M. Seebacher (2007). Testing the performance of FORECAST, a forest ecosystem model, against 29 years of field data in a Pseudotsuga menziesii plantation at Shawnigan Lake. Can. J. For. Res. 37: 1808-1820.

Bi, J., J.A. Blanco, B. Seely, J.P. Kimmins, Y. Ding, C. Welham. (2007). Yield decline in Chinese-fir plantations: a simulation investigation with implications for model complexity. Can. J. For. Res. 37:1616-1630.

Welham, C., K. Van Rees, B. Seely, H. Kimmins (2007). Projected long-term productivity in Saskatchewan hybrid poplar plantations: weed competition and fertilizer effects. Can J. For. Res. 37: 356-370.

Kimmins, J.P., R. Rempel, C. Welham, B. Seely and K.C.J. Van Rees. 2007. Biophysical sustainability, process-based monitoring and forest ecosystem management decision support systems. The Forestry Chronicle 83: 502-514.

Seely, B., Welham, C., and H. Kimmins. 2006. Criterion 2: Ecosystem productivity. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 7: 85-91.

Titus, B.D., Prescott, C.E., Maynard, D.G., Mitchell, A.K., Bradley, R.L., Feller, M.C., Beese, W.J., Seely, B., Benton, R.A., Senyk, J.P., Hawkins, B.J., Koppenaal, R.S. 2006. Post-harvest nitrogen cycling in clearcut and alternative silvicultural systems in a montane forest in coastal British Columbia. The Forestry Chronicle 62(6): 844-859.

Kimmins, J.P., C. Welham, B. Seely, M. Meitner, R. Rempel and T. Sullivan (2005). Science in Forestry: Why does it sometimes disappoint or even fail us? Forestry Chronicle 81: 723-734.

Kimmins, J. P., Seely, B., Welham, C., and A. Zhong. 2005. Possible Forest Futures: Balancing Biological and Social Risks in Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemics. NRCan., Pac. For. Cent., Victoria, BC. MPI-Working Paper 2005-11.

Seely, B., J. Nelson, R. Wells, B. Peter, M. Meitner, A. Anderson, H. Harshaw, S. Sheppard, F. Bunnell, H. Kimmins, and D. Harrison (2004). The application of a hierarchical, decision-support system to evaluate multi-objective forest management strategies: A case study in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 199: 283-305.

Messier, C., Fortin, M-J., Schmiegelow, F., Doyon, F., Cumming, S.G., Kimmins, J.P., Seely, B., Welham, C., and J. Nelson. 2003. Modelling tools to assess the sustainability of forest management scenarios. In Towards sustainable management of the boreal forest (P.J. Burton, C. Messier, D.W. Smith, and W.L. Adamowicz, eds). NRC Research Press, Ottawa.

Seely, B., C. Welham, and J.P Kimmins, (2002). Carbon Sequestration in a Boreal Forest Ecosystem: Results from the Ecosystem Simulation Model, FORECAST. Forest Ecology and Management 169:123-135.

Welham, C., B. Seely, J.P. Kimmins, (2002). The utility of the two-pass harvesting system: an analysis using the FORECAST ecosystem simulation model. Can. J. For. Res. 32: 1071-1079

Seely, B., Kimmins, J.P., Welham, C., Scoullar, K.A., 1999. Ecosystem management models: defining stand-level sustainability, exploring stand-level stewardship. Journal of Forestry 97(6):4-10.

Kimmins, J.P., Mailly, D., Seely, B., 1999. Modelling forest ecosystem net primary production: the hybrid simulation approach used in FORECAST. Ecological. Modelling 122: 195-224.

Seely, B. K. Lajtha, G.D. Salvucci.1998. Transformation and retention of nitrogen in a coastal forest ecosystem. Biogeochem. 42:325-343.

Valiela I., P. Peckol, C. D’Avanzo, J. Kremer, D. Hersh, K. Foreman, K. Lajtha, B. Seely, W. R. Geyer, T. Isaji and R. Crawford. 1998. Ecological Effects of Major Storms on Coastal Watersheds and Coastal Waters: Hurricane Bob on Cape Cod. Journal of Coastal Research 14: 218-238.

Seely, B., and K. Lajtha. 1997. Application of a 15N tracer to simulate and track the fate of atmospherically deposited N in the coastal forests of the Waquoit Bay Watershed, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Oecologia 112: 393-402.

Lajtha, B. Seely, I. Valiela. 1995. Retention and leaching losses of atmospherically-derived nitrogen in the aggrading coastal watershed of Waquoit Bay, MA. Biogeochem. 28: 33-54.

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