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Yongyuan Yin

Yongyuan Yin

Dr. Yongyuan Yin is Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the China-UK-Swiss collaboration project entitled “Adapting to Climate Change in China (ACCC)”.  He has more than 20 years experience in climate change impact, vulnerability and adaptation, environmental science, natural resource assessment and management. He is an adjunct professor with the Department of Forest Resources Management at the University of British Columbia and an environmental scientist with Environment Canada.

Dr. Yin was the PI of a project funded by GEF to study climate vulnerability and adaptation in western China. The project applied an integrated assessment (IA) approach to study climate risks and adaptation in three sectors: water, agriculture and dry land ecosystem. The full technical report of the AS25 project can be found at: http://www.aiaccproject.org/Final%20Reports/Final%20Reports/FinalRept_AIACC_AS25.pdf

Early 2010, he completed a project on climate change adaptation funded by Boell Foundation. The title of the project is “Testing a participatory integrated assessment (PIA) approach to climate change adaptation actions to enhance wetland biodiversity conservation, rural health, and sustainable resource development in Poyang Lake (PYL) Basin, China”.

From 2002 to 2006, Dr. Yin was involved in two projects funded by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) on climate change and sustainability in China. His roles as leader of the integrated assessment (IA) component were on the linkages between environmental science and policy. Main concerns related to the two projects included capacity building in implementing CDM projects, forest carbon sequestration, technical training, poverty alleviation, gender equality, minority community engagement, multi-stakeholders participation, and regional sustainable development. The CIDA projects held a series of policy workshops and conducted training courses for Chinese managers and policy makers.

Selected publications

Yin, Y.Y. 2009. Chapter 13 Case study: climate change and regional sustainability in the Yangtze Delta, China. In: C. Gregory Knight and Jill Jäger (eds.) Integrated Regional Assessment of Global Climate Change, CambridgeUniversity Press.

Yin, Y.Y. 2009. “Mainstreaming Wetland Adaptation to Climate Change into Rural Sustainable Development Plans”. In: Hong Yin et al. (eds) Mainstreaming Wetland Biodiversity Conservation: Experience & Lessons Learned in Practical Applications of Mainstreaming. SciencePress,China.

Yin, Y.Y., Gong, Peng and Ding, Y.H. 2008. Chapter 21, Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Western China. In: Congbin Fu, J.R. Freney and J.W.B. Stewart (eds.) Changes in the Human-Monsoon System of East Asia in the Context of Global Change. World Scientific Publishing Co Pte. Ltd. 309-322.

Yin, Y.Y., Xu, Z.M. and Long, A.H. 2008. Chapter 12 Evaluation of Adaptation Options for the HeiheRiver Basinof China. In: Neil Leary et al., (eds.) Climate Change and Adaptation. Earthscan.

Yin, Y.Y., Clinton, N., Luo, B. and Song, L.C. 2008. Chapter 5 Resource System Vulnerability to Climate Stresses in the Heihe River Basin of western China. In: Neil Leary et al., (eds.) Climate Change and Vulnerability. Earthscan.

Yin, Y.Y., Zhou, S.Q. and Xu, W. 2007. “Linking carbon sequestration science with local sustainability: an integrated assessment (IA) approach” J. of Environmental Management, 85(3): 711-721.

Yin, Y. 2001. “Flood management and water resource sustainable development: the case of Great LakesBasin” Water International 26(2): 197-205.

Yin, Y., Cohen, S., and Huang, G. 2000. “Global climate change and regional sustainable development: the case of MackenzieBasinin Canada” Integrated Assessment1: 21-36.

Yin, Y., Huang, G., and Hipel, K.W. 1999. “Fuzzy relation analysis for multicriteria water resources management” ASCE J. of Water Resources Management and Planning 125 (1): 41-47.

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